Deep Rest

An evening of yin yoga & live cello with Hayley Rose and Georgia Shine.

An evening of Yin Yoga and Live Cello

An invitation for you to rest into the deep watery spaces of the yin practice at Alceme with a live cello and vocal soundscape.

This ninety minutes is for you to tune in to the deeper currents that are moving within.
Layer by layer, the music and yin practice will invite you home to yourself, again and again.
This is for you if you are seeking deep rest and rejuvenation, are needing a reset from your big busy life or simply would like to be surrounded by beautiful sounds as you attend to the needs of your whole self.
We welcome you.

Friday June 28th, 6:30-8pm
Alceme, 6 Victoria Street, Hobart 7000

Limited spaces.
$44 adult
$38 concession

Use code: CONCESSION for concession pricing

Deep Rest
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